
November 6, 2020

Now that you see your staff on screens every day, is your virtual office starting to resemble Dunder Mifflin? You know, the paper sales company on the TV show The Office.

We laughed at their dysfunctional collection of characters that had one thing in common: none of them wanted to be there.

Dunder Mifflin had the wrong people in the wrong seats, which is the quickest way to bring a company to its knees. Be especially careful now those seats are spread far and wide and potentially out of touch.

To get the right people in the right seats, I always suggest quickly evaluating them to see if they ‘GWC’ the seat:

1) Get it
2) Want it
3) Have the Capacity for it

The person needs to ‘Get’ the requirements of the job and what is expected of them. They need to ‘Want’ the role, not just to pay the rent but be driven to succeed. Then they have to have the ‘Capacity’. Not only the skills to do the job properly but things like time and physical and emotional capacity.

This is how my clients begin evaluating their employees to see if they need to change things up to keep the Dunder Mifflin’s at bay.

Would it work for you, or do you have any other ideas? Let me know in the comments below.

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