
November 6, 2020

Is your business the same now as it was four months ago?

If you’re nodding, you’ll be in the minority because the world has shifted spectacularly and your company probably has too. We’re slowly emerging into a new normal, but it’s unlikely to be business as usual.

So, now is the perfect time for an Organisational Checkup. I run through one with my clients every year, and it asks 20 crucial questions about the company with a 1-5 rating. You get an overall score and then you’ll have a clear idea of where things stand.

Think of it like a car service. The mechanic has a checklist to determine what’s working, what isn’t and what needs to be replaced. The work gets done, and you’re on your way.

However, for some, it will be like the first service after the car was driven off a cliff. A major tuneup and some new parts will be required, but you must get the overall picture before anyone starts tinkering.

Does your business need a few minor tweaks, a full service or a major overhaul?

I’d be happy to run you through an Organisational Checkup for your business. Drop me a line at to set up a call.

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