
August 25, 2021

Congratulations if you’re one of the 76% who said they were still ‘all loved up’ with their business in my poll last week. Heartwarming stuff.

For the other 24%, falling out of love with a business usually happens when the initial reason for launching is lost, or you get swamped by tasks that they don’t enjoy. This is not what I signed up for!

You can’t rip up the business and start again, but a good starting point is to:

Re-evaluate the company’s core values. Is this really where we are and want to be?
Look at the team? Have you surrounded yourself with people who share your passion?

I go into more detail in my latest article, and I’d love you to join me in one of my Boardroom Insights sessions (link in comments) to begin the process of reigniting the passion for your business.

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